Truth.... isn't it strange?

" Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities . Truth isn't "

Mark Twain

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Killing two birds with one stone?

what if everyone who needed help from a charitable organization such as Community Sharing (where what has been donated by some is given freely to those in need ) ..... could come with a voucher from recycling some trash. One bag of paper or trash picked up from the street or even trash from their own homes would buy one voucher that would be reimbursed at a charity. One voucher equals one large item or one bag of clothes, etc.. I wonder if our streets and yards would be a bit cleaner. This idea would allow those receiving charity to contribute to there community and be a part of the solution which is what most want but no one is hiring!  

The recycling bins could be placed by the charities to make this process simpler for all. This could eliminate the problem of someone handing out vouchers. What do you think of this idea? It may also help those who feel despair when asking for help. 

My thoughts go to the effects of cleaning up our environment as well as our homes. It makes for clearer thoughts. I have a need to clear out the clutter before I can really get creative and when I see others who are having a hard time.... one of the first things I see is the clutter around them. There is usually more of everything and they are overwhelmed and seem to be buried under too much garbage or problems. We could start working on problems with simple cleanup and recycling. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Laura- I think this is a great idea! I wonder how one could turn it into reality?
